Beware the Spirit of the Second Son

Posted on May 25, 2016.

Read Matthew 21:28-45

      In response to the evangelist’s impassioned plea, the young man went to the front of the church to give his life to Christ.  He had been a high school classmate of mine; someone all the kids knew as a foul-mouthed, pot-smoking, class-cutting, back-sassing, juvenile delinquent.  I was shocked and amazed, but my friend who had invited me to the revival just rolled her eyes.  “Happens all the time,” she whispered.  “He’ll be back up there again in a couple of months.”  I don’t know if that turned out to be true, but he sure seemed to be back to his old self the next time I saw him just a few days later.    

      The true demonstration of faith is not making dramatic public (or even private) pronouncements of faith and devotion to God.  We can even fool ourselves into thinking that saying it makes it so, but if everyone else knows our promises mean nothing, surely God does too.  The real proof of faith is in whether it has the power to change our behavior.  It isn’t what you promise to do – it’s what you actually do.  “Bear fruit in keeping with repentance,” bellowed the Baptizer (3:8).  Better an honest refusal than an empty promise.  At least then you’ve accurately represented your rebellious heart before God, and you can rethink your dreadful situation . . . and frighten yourself into obeying him instead.