The Triumphal Entry . . . into the Temple

Posted on May 23, 2016.

Read Matthew 21:1-17

      The “triumphal entry” was truly King Jesus’ official coming-out party, especially when it is extended to include his cleansing of the Temple.  Just look at the different ways Jesus’ messianic royal identity is affirmed in this passage:  1) he demonstrates foreknowledge in sending disciples for the animals (21:1); 2) he refers to himself as “the Lord,” who will be unquestionably obeyed by his followers (21:3,6); 3) his manner of entry into Jerusalem is seen to be a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy describing the king’s arrival (21:4); 4) he is given a worshipful welcome fit for a king (21:7-8); 5) the crowd sings his praises using the messianic titles “Son of David” and “he who comes in the name of the Lord” (21:9,15); 6) he exercises authority as God’s Son to shut down the corrupt businesses trading on Temple worship (21:12-13); 7) he answers the cries of “hosanna” (translated, “save us”) by healing the blind and lame (21:9,14,15); and 8) when challenged for not correcting those who were speaking of him in messianic language, he claims that he himself is the rightful recipient of prophesied praise offered to God (21:15-16). 

       Joyfully welcome Jesus into your life, if you haven’t.  Call on him to save you.  Come to him with your sin-wounds and ask him to heal you.  But remember that he comes as Lord, and will come into your inner sanctum where there are things that are not as they should be.  He has not come to negotiate a gradual reformation of those things that are inconsistent with his realm and rule.  He has come to set your house – now his house - right.