The Fight Begins

Posted on February 28, 2017.

The side effects of four and a half hours of intravenous chemotherapy on Thursday didn't seem too bad until the nausea came with a vengeance on Saturday and Sunday.  The two anti-nausea medications I had been given didn't seem to touch it, unless it would have been even worse if not for them.  The Lord was very kind and good to me in helping me get through our Sunday worship service without some spectacular gastrointestinal interruption which would have traumatized everybody, especially me.  After improvement to mere queasiness on Sunday afternoon and Monday, the nausea seems to have largely passed.  So far, even with the nausea, my side effects seem very manageable, especially compared to the catalogue of possible side effects they give you for light reading while they drip, drip, drip the cancer-killing poison into your veins. 

I'm going to try to reschedule my once-every-three-weeks intravenous chemo treatments for Mondays, however.  Last Sunday was cutting it far too close.  If I'm going to be feeling rotten for a few days after intravenous treatments, those days need to be in the midweek, not on Saturday and Sunday. 

I have noticed that my cough has almost completely abated.  The doc had said that I would probably not get that kind of positive effect symptom-wise for several weeks.  Maybe that means the esophageal tumor is shrinking already.  I don't know, but I'm thankful for the improvement in any case. 

On Monday, there was an envelope left at the church office for Robin and I with cash in it for extra expenses like copays and uncovered expenses.  How thoughtful and generous of everyone who had a part in that.  We love you and appreciate you more than we can express. 

Thanks for your prayers - past and continued.